Hi! I’m Max Tsvetkov. I’m an eXperienced Product Design Lead based in UAE ↔ Eastern Europe. I can easily spot a misaligned pixel from a mile away and dream in wireframes. My experience, knowledge, strong international education and intuition benefit companies in many ways. 15 years in the UX industry and love every day, just love the World-Wide-Web!

Currently crafting interfaces and Design System for NDA Cyber Security Unicorn Company and building design-processes. I also work part-time as a Rockstar Design Lead for the Irish studio Grafton Digital.

You can contact me via linkedin profile. I prefer to be contacted via LinkedIn, no forms in modern world. Or just say Hello🇬🇧 / 你好🇨🇳 / Сiao🇮🇹 / Привет at yourscorpion2 @ gmail.com

For stalkers: taplink.cc

Stay tuned!

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